Do You Get That Nostalgic Feeling When Reading Your Old Stories?

I really do

Vickey Maverick.
3 min read2 days ago
Photograph used for representational purpose only [Photo Credit: Vickey Maverick.]

There are various ways to reminisce about your own life. I take to writing. Some of my thoughts are recurring and often take the form of recounted stories. These are elaborate narratives based on my memory or what I remember of my personal experiences.

It is essentially about looking back with nostalgia on both the happier times and some of the not-so-pleasant memories. They tend to inspire me; rather, I draw constant inspiration from looking back at them.

You can sample some of them below.

Years have passed and I have never again got into an inflight situation where repeated forays to the washroom is the only form of relief. That is also precisely why I have never been able to forget this chance encounter with that old man at the airport, one that had left our fates intertwined.

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The Old Man at the Airport

I have palpably not read all of Brown’s books, but among the ones I have read, I’m biased



Vickey Maverick.

Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing